Happy Halloween Friends! Who doesn't love this fun holiday where we are all allowed to be a little magical! There is always something so fun about watching all the trick or treaters running down the streets with their bags of candy! And even though I am not a child anymore, I still love this holiday. But my kids are done with going out to get candy. Jackson said there was no way he was ever going to go ring a doorbell for candy again. Now he can't get pass what germs the other houses may have and how that could affect his treats. Yea. He is such a worry wort and it drives me crazy! But he is on door duty and suppose to be handing out candy later tonight.
I am running so late today but I don't really care that much. I have been up early every morning this week, and I have to be up early to take Jackson to the Dr. a couple hrs away so I got to sleep in today! I woke up at exactly 12 noon only to realize that for whatever reason, my phone didn't charge. So when I finally got it back on, I had a ton of calls and messages that I missed out on. Who knows, maybe I would have never got to sleep in if the phone was actually on and charging like it was suppose to be. I have a few errands to run in just a little bit to pick up things for our Halloween dinner and we still need candy too. So I better get cleaned up and head out soon! I hope you all have a wonderful Halloween! I'll be back soon!
K Jaggers
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