Just One Word { Video Tag! }

Sunday, September 8, 2013
Hi everyone! I hope you are enjoying this beautiful Sunday evening!  I thought I would do this very fun tag for my GlamGossip Channel! Its the - One Word - Tag where all my answers to the questions can only be 1 word!  Wanna see what those answers were!? ....check out the video below! 

Also the all the questions are at the bottom in case you want to do this tag too!

Where is your cell phone?
Your partner?
Your hair?
Your mother?
Your father?
Your favorite material object?
Your dream from last night?
Your favorite drink?
Your dream car?
The room in which you are right now?
Your ex?
Your fear?
What do you want to be in 10 years?
With who did you spend last night?
What are you not?
What did you do last night?
What's the last thing you did before this?
What are you wearing?
Your favorite book?
The last thing you ate?
Your life?
Your mood?
Your friends?
What are you thinking about right now?
What are you doing now?
Your summer?
What's on your TV?
The last time you laughed?
The last time you cried?
What are you listening to?
Your favorite weekend activity?
Dream job?
Your computer?
Just outside your window?
Mexican food?
On your bed?

Stay tuned for another video coming up soon! 


K Jaggers

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