Scott brought me this home a while back. He had saw it at one of our local grocery stores and thought I might just like it. And he probably new I needed a drink after the summer we have had. I rarely drink.. even wine. I might have 1 or 2 glasses a month.. but I was excited to try this out! And Rocco didn't mind posing with the bottle! And if you want to just skip to the video...just scroll down!
Peach, Berry, Pineapple Coconut, Strawberry and I think I saw a chocolate one too!
You can find them for around $10 a bottle.
He went with the
Imported from Holland, VineSmoothies Peach is a blend of French Chardonnay, Dutch cream, and 100% all natural Peach flavor. VineSmoothies is made to be enjoyed straight from your refrigerator or can be blended into hundreds of exotic and tropical drink recipes, limited only by your imagination.
Now I didn't get online and check out the website at first. So here's how I had it..
Hope you enjoy!
Let me know if you have tried any of these! I am excited to hear what you guys think of them too!
K Jaggers
Now I didn't get online and check out the website at first. So here's how I had it..
Hope you enjoy!
But there are a lot of recipes for these Vine Smoothies! You can check out more on the website right here!
My final thoughts are the cream in this tasted amazing. It is pretty strong for me at 14% Alcohol!! I am pretty sure Scott thought it was a bit strong too. his perfect combination of 100% All-Natural flavors, French Chardonnay and Holland’s Famous Dutch Cream stands out. Simply chill and pour into a glass. No mixers are needed; just relax and enjoy. VINESMOOTHIES may be left open unrefrigerated for up to six months, but it won't last that long around my house!
Now that I know there are some yummy recipes, I am going to have to try out more from this line! I think this is the perfect cocktail for an afternoon by the pool, an evening BBQ, or for just a night in.
Let me know if you have tried any of these! I am excited to hear what you guys think of them too!
K Jaggers
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