Wednesday Hodgepodge

Wednesday, July 3, 2013
Happy Wednesday Friends! Time for another Wednesday Hodgepodge with Joyce from over at From This Side of the Pond . Things have been pretty hard for me the last few days but I am going to do my best to not be a " Debbie Downer " ... instead I am just trying to get my head, my soul, my life, my blog in a happier place! Hope you enjoy. 

1. What's one simple small pleasure on your summer 'to-do' list?

Well, I thought this summer would be filled with tons of fun things on our to-do list. However, we made a huge move that took up more time, more money, and more energy than any of us expected. Then Jackson leaves to go visit with his dad. Then we have Saturday's big blow out.. where I know someone is lying to me. It totally was a situation that hit me in my core.. so now with what is left of summer, I just hope to make it out alive! We are hoping to fit in a couple of fun things before the kids start going back like the Zoo, Waterpark.. but I am not sure how much we will get in being we only have two more weekends with Zane and 3 more with Brittany. Actually, I am looking forward to fall right now.

2. Do you have strong feelings or opinions about the immigration debate in your home country?  Feel free to share your thoughts, but please play nice.

Wow.. well, I don't really know. I think if you are going to live in any place that is not your native country.. you better follow along the laws to make it legal. Otherwise, you set up home.. get use to your new life  and then you get caught and you loose it all. That wouldn't be fun. Plus there are reasons for making it hard to become a citizen anywhere...if you want it, you have to conform to their needs and wants. There has been times when I thought we should just end it all here in the United States... but people are going to keep sneaking in. I think its a huge issue and I am not sure how to fix it. You can't profile people.. you can only protect the boarders so much.. I'm just glad I don't have to be the one to figure that shit out.

3. What's something in your home or wardrobe that could be described as 'star spangled'?

Well we are still unpacking.. and most of all the decorations are still out in the garage some where with our flag in it.. and we have a few other things too but for me something " starbangled " would be my grandfathers Marine Photo. I think its precious. 

4. Is your house set up for a party?

Hell no. Scott wants to go to a party but we are not having one. I would rather stay home and do some fireworks with the kids but we might go out to his bosses house for a day of celebration. We'll see. 

5. What is one never-before-visited city in America would you most like to see?

neon lights | via Tumblr

Seattle. I think it would be the perfect city to disappear in! 

6. Your favorite red food?  White food?  Blue food?

My favorite red food.. hummm...Strawberries I guess, My favorite white food is probably white cake and my favorite blue food would probably be blueberries.

7. What freedom do you value the most, and why?

Freedom of Speech for sure. But that is hard one because if you believe in it.. not only do you get the right to say what you want but so does the person who's views and beliefs go against everything you believe in. You have to understand that while its easy to deal with Freedom of Speech when you are saying what you want.. but when its not what you want.. you still have to honor it. I will say that the second one I would have to go with is The Right to Equal Justice...that's another big one for me. 

8.  Insert your own random thought here. 

My heart is still broke today. I feel a little better but its still really hard. I seem to be the only one effected by this past weekends events. But I am taking it one moment at a time. I am trying to just do everything as I normally do just hoping to have an easier day. 

Quotes in Polkadots | via Tumblr


K Jaggers

5 comments on "Wednesday Hodgepodge"
  1. Hang in there!
    That picture of your grandfather is adorable! So handsome!

    1. Thank you ! Its one of my favorites. I hope you had a great 4th of July!

  2. Doing well..kisha..I see you getting stronger!...what a beautiful pic of your grandfather .....loved your video! Looking forward to more...take care of you!...:)

    1. Its hard right now but I'm trying. Thanks for stopping by.. and I hope you had a great 4th!

  3. I love that picture of your grandfather! He looks so young! And handsome...and happy...:) It can be so damaging to a relationship when someone lies. It changes the whole relationship, permanently. Hang in!


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