Hi friends. We got Zane and are resting up in Alabama tonight before we finish the drive home. Thankfully we only have about 6 hours to drive tomorrow and should be home in the early afternoon. Its been a long few days and Scott and I are totally exhausted. I haven't heard anything about Gabby today....which actually upsets me some. I don't know how she is doing but mom seems to think if anything was wrong, they would have called asap. Idk.. but I would really like to know how she is doing. I am so worried. I just pray she is getting better and Monday she can come home. It won't be the same without her. Scott has been apologizing all weekend about her being sick. He feels really bad too. She was the first cat he ever got me and I am closest to her so its extra hard. I am still in shock that she is that bad. I just keep praying that she gets better.
Zane is cute as ever and doing great! He was a bit shy at first but it didn't take long for him to come out of his shell! We just sneaked out and got some yummy treats while husby snored in the bed. Thankfully we brought him something back because we woke him up coming in. He sat up and ate his piece of pie and right back to sleep he went.
So I am going to say my prayers.. and get some rest.
K Jaggers
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