Here is today's to do list.. Husby gets off at 6pm and will be home by 7. Even though its only early afternoon.. time is going to fly by.
* I have to run to a friends house in just a little while. I was going to head over there last night but that didn't happen. Should be quick though.
* I also need to stop by the grocery store. Not really wanting to do that either but I have to. You know....sugar, butter, and lets not forget Jackson's snack foods.I have a kitchen with a bunch of food in it, yet he is always telling me he can't find nothing! I guess that's a typical kid.
* I might even stop by CVS. I have about $15 in extra care bucks and I need to get a few things so maybe I can get that in too. If not, it can wait.
* I need to get all the laundry that is folded on the loveseat put away. Why is that always the hardest job? Next up, sheets. Does it ever end?
* I need to start going through the kitty applications and maybe even do an ad in the paper. Can you believe we have 2 more upcoming litters!? Guess that means I need to get their page updated this weekend too!
* Speaking of kitties, I need to go around to all the boxes and scoop.. not a fun job at all. /: But its one of the prices I have to pay to breed cats.
* Either today or tomorrow I have a bunch of windows I want to wash. Even though I don't plan on being in this house long, I still want to be able to see out!
* My bathroom seriously needs mopped. That is also happening this weekend.
* And I got to figure out what I am cooking tonight!
So that's all my plans for today. What's yours!?
I am sure some unexpected things will come up! I am going to get cleaned up and head out!
Have a great weekend!
K Jaggers
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