Happy Friday Friends. I am so glad we are almost to the weekend! I am linking back up today with My Little Life for five question friday!
Hope you enjoy!
1. Do you wake before the
alarm or stay in bed until the last possible second?
99% of the time, I stay in bed till the last minute. I seem to sleep better during the morning hours than the night hours..and its hard to pull myself out of my comfy bed!
2. Who should get a baby shower? Is it just the first
baby or all babies?
Wow.. that's not an easy one but I raised where you get 1 shower per child. I did register with all the kids because family and friends still wanted to get gifts but I didn't do the party except for my first son. I kinda think having a party for each child would be fair...but I kinda think its a little much. I like the idea of a welcome home party for each new baby.. and that way, people can bring gifts if they want.. and you still get the party!
3. How will you spend Memorial
Probably just hanging out around the house. I am hoping husby will take me box hunting so we can start packing this place up. I might grill out and start digging up some of the plants I want to take and potting them. But no big plans!
4. Do you have a
Storm/Hurricane/Tornado/Fire plan for your kids house..?
Kinda.. but I wish it was better. I think we will work hard on that after we get moved. But the rules are pretty much the same with fire.. GET OUT AND GET TO THE NEIGHBORS AND DON"T WORRY ABOUT THE PETS...During a tornado, we go into the laundry room.. but I don't really feel safe in there. And we don't really worry about a hurricane but I suppose we would adjust as needed.
5. What is your favorite
morning drink?
My favorite is a Cafe Mocha.
but on mornings I am in a hurry I just go for
Coffee with sugar.
I love tea but it just doesn't do it for me in the mornings!
Hope you have a great evening!
K Jaggers
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