Wednesday Hodgepodge!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Happy Wednesday! 

1. April 15th is the deadline for Americans to file their state and federal income tax returns.  What's a job you do on a regular basis that could be described as 'taxing'? 

Ha! I am a stay at home wife and mother..I am also a Persian Cat Breeder. Honestly, I think I work harder at home most days than I ever did outside the home. It seems anymore that I just fall into bed.. and before I know it my dreaded alarm is going off. 

2. I'm participating in the April A-Z blog challenge, and the Hodgepodge happens to fall on Day O this week. In keeping with that theme...olives, onions, oysters, okra...of the foods mentioned, what's your favorite O food?


Oranges.. I love fresh fruit and there is so much you can do with an orange! 

3.  What is something memorable you experienced as a child that your own children (or future children/nieces/nephews) will not get to experience? 

Honestly besides being around some people who have passed away, I can't think of one thing they won't be able to experience. Anymore it seems they all get to experience everything we did, just at a much younger age. Its kinda scary actually but things are much more advanced than what they were when I was a small child. 

4. Term limits for our elected officials...your thoughts? 

That's kinda funny.. because if its a official I like.. then I think its too short! But if its one I don't like, I think its too long!  So I guess they better not leave that decision up to me! 

5. On April 18th, 1775, Paul Revere made his famous 'midnight ride'...when did you last make a midnight ride?  Perhaps the fate of a nation wasn't hanging in the balance, but tell us where you were headed anyway.

The last trip we made where we were driving at midnight was our last trip to..


Florida. It was a pretty long ass drive but once we got there.. it was totally worth it!

6.  What would freak you out more...a mouse running across your floor or a big fat hairy spider? 

I would flip out more over a ...


I don't know why..Part of me thinks its bigger and the bite would be worse but I know spider bites can be awful bad too. And you would think I would feel safe with a houseful of cats but they all sleep at night.. they are not one bit interested in mouse hunting! 

7. I love it when people ask me________________________?

About my family!

8.  Insert your own random thought here.

I have a day of shopping. My family thinks we are going to starve if I don't get my butt up and go shopping. I started working on my list but I know I am still forgetting things! Its not always easy figuring out new meals that everyone will eat either! Busy day ahead.

I hope you have a wonderful Wednesday!


K Jaggers
12 comments on "Wednesday Hodgepodge! "
  1. Hi visiting from DWW hop, I am your new bloglovin follower. One thing that is taxing for me any more is COOKING! I almost hate it, I have been preparing meals for someone since I was 18 and it has become more than old! So half the time I order out for my husband, I try to keep it as healthy as possible.
    Living F.A.B.ulously on Purpose

  2. ooo after seeing your picture I cannot wait to drive around Florida this summer!!!!

  3. ooo after seeing your picture I cannot wait to drive around Florida this summer!!!!

  4. Hubby is the cook in the family so he gets the wonderful job of figuring out what to cook.

  5. So glad you joined in with us for Hodgepodge! I'm your newest follower! :) That picture of Florida makes me long for sunny skies and beaches! You have a great looking family, so I can understand why you love to share all about them! Have fun going grocery shopping...that has to be my least favorite activity. I always end up forgetting something! Have a Happy Wednesday!

  6. Hi, i am new to your blog. Your rodent picture is perfect-- so freaky! Florida picture is much better! Enjoyed your take on the taxing job. Amen!

  7. @ Margaret...Gosh I wish my husband did the cooking around here!!!I am now following you back! I hope you have a great day!

    @ Rebecca...I was planning on moving to Florida this summer but my husband is making me wait a little longer! ):

    @ Retired not Tired..Again.. you are some lucky ladies if your husbands are doing the cooking! It seems anytime my husband tries to cook.. its a huge mess and most of the time his meals are not so good! Have a great day!

    @ April! Nice to meet you! I am following you back! Yea, today is going to be busy with the shopping but hopefully I can get it done early and get it out of the way!

    @ Zoanna, Nice to meet you! Hope you come back sometime! Have a great Wednesday!

  8. What a gorgeous Florida photo! I love that...we're going to Florida in a few weeks and I cannot wait for the sunshine and warm weather. It is only kinda sorta spring here, and definitely not every day : )

  9. I'm going to have to join The Hodgepodge. That sounds fun. Just the thought of a mouse gives me the creeps.

  10. @ Joyce.. thank you..I wish I was heading back myself.. but our move is on hold for the time being! Grrrrrr! Hope you have a great evening!

    @ Betty.. You should join! Its a lot of fun and there are some great ladies that link up!

    @ A Joyful Chaos.. I just got some today! Thanks for commenting! Have a great night.

    @ Terri.. I sadly feel the same as you! I can't wait to go back! Happy Wednesday!

  11. I hate the drive to Florida or any other vacation spot for that matter. I am glad my husband likes to fly, which is what we usually if we are traveling very far.
    I think most house cats aren't interested in catching mice. They are too well fed I suppose.


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