Sunday Inspiration..

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Good Morning Friends! I hope you are having a beautiful day! Its so pretty here today. Husby has already got up and opened all the windows, just letting the sun and fresh air breeze through the house! Its really nice because I HATE the cold weather. Scott got up early and ran errands.. cleaned up the kitchen.. and is planning on taking Jackson to see a movie in just a little while.

 The boys are great at going to see movies together that I have no interest in watching. I think today its the new

Well I am not sure its new.. I think its the old one but in 3D. I think that is kinda ridiculous that they just put an old movie out but just in 3D and then charge new movie prices to see it. Crazy. But it worked for my son because he never watched it before and is excited! But I am staying home and letting husby take him.

My day is going to consist of taking it easy.. hopefully catching up on some blog posts and pick up the house. Jackson heads back to school tomorrow and will also be kinda nice. I loooooove having him here with me but I could use a break. I think my son has asked me a bazillion questions over spring break!! We didn't have a lot of fun over spring.. it was just too cold here. But summer is coming! I can't wait to get all the kids here and start having some summer fun.

I hope you guys have a great day! I'll be back soon.


K Jaggers

3 comments on "Sunday Inspiration.."
  1. Enjoy your Sunday!

    I love Jurassic Park but I wouldn't be able to handle watching it in 3D - too many jumpy moments for me!

    Wishing you a lovely end to your week!

  2. I love lazy Sundays. They are the absolute best day of the week. Especially, if you happen to get a three day weekend. Hope you have a wonderful day.

    Heidi’s Wanderings

  3. @ Jennifer.. It wasn't my thing either and that's why I stayed home.. but the boys loved it!

    @ Heidi, Thanks for your sweet comment! Have a great weekend!


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