Sunday Inspiration.

Sunday, March 24, 2013

Good Morning Friends. I hope you all are enjoying this Sunday. My house is quiet. Trina, Trent and Scott got up early and now they are all dozing back off for a few hours. We are heading out about 1 pm for lunch and then we are going to go visit with Brandon. They will be heading back out tonight because they have to work tomorrow. So its a short lived trip but I am happy that Brandon will get to see his mom for a while today! I know he needs her. 

Last night we had a great dinner.. ( I will be showing you what we have been eating in a food diary coming up in a week or two. ) It was a great birthday and I can thank my family for it. At this point, there is just not a ton of stuff I want.. I would rather have that time with them instead. I guess that just means I am getting older! I do want to get the trip to the Biltmore but its just not the right time for that right now. But it will happen soon! I have already been.. but I loved it so much that I really want to go back.

So today is filled with lunch with family.. seeing Brandon.. and then coming home and enjoying the rest of the day with Scott and Jackson. I want to do a little cleaning and I also want to get a few blog post done too. But its raining here and actually a very depressing day. I love the rain but it sure doesn't motivate me.

I hope you have a great day!

K Jaggers
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