
Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Good Morning to you all! I hope you have a wonderful day. Around here I am thinking dozing back off for a few hours sounds really good to me! It took a little longer to fall asleep last night and I am feeling it today. Actually little Jackson was hard to wake up today too. However.. he reminded me to warm up the car so we didn't have to shiver on the way to school. And that's exactly what I did! And he was right.. it feels much better to get in a warm car in the mornings! 

I have been behind on blogging but I will try to catch up in the coming days. Just a lot going on around here. I am thinking I will be home most of the day but I might run some errands later. IDK. I know that around 1230 Jodi Arias is going to say how and why she killed her boyfriend and there is no way I am missing it. I got to hear what she says!! 

Anyway.. I might doze off for a bit and start my day around lunch time.

Have a great day.. I will be back soon! 

K Jaggers
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