Happy Valentines Day!
that today is Valentines Day! Its just that special day to show a little extra love to the ones around you.. And......
For all you single people out there. Honestly I get tired of hearing how bad Valentines Day is for you. I suggest pipping down.. going and buying your own chocolates and flowers. I think you should focus on the people who are around NOW and show them how much they mean to you. Sorry.. but enough with the single girl rant. Its exhausting.
That husby has to work on Valentines Day. I wish he didn't but he works hard for us.. and tomorrow is his day off! =)
That I have just took it easy most of the day. The house needs a little love but that will happen in the coming hours.
That Jackson had a horrible day at school today. He's grounded right now and I will explain later. But we are family and there is nothing he can do that is unforgivable but he does have to be held accountable for his actions. He is learning that now.
That I am a little sad with Jackson screwing up.. I have a really nice dinner planned. But you know what? I am going ahead with the plans and making him eat with us anyway.
That with today's drama with my 10 year old.. I am already enjoying a glass of wine. Ha! I dug around in the frig and found some old bottle.. but it still taste good.. so enjoying it right now.
that my ex husband actually gave me a good piece of advice today... but only to follow it up with a bunch of other stupid advice. WOW... My ex husband is totally immature and I wish he would grow up too!
That I am still working on getting the cats groomed. I totally sucked last weekend and being playing catch up on EVERYTHING.
that I broke a frame last night. I knocked it off a wall in the middle of the night. I for sure thought everyone was going to wake up but nope.. I was able to quietly clean it up and no one was the wiser. Wonder if they will notice it missing??
that I need to get off my ass and get things cleaned up around here!! We are in the last 3 hours for husby to get home. Why do those always seem like the longest. Hurry home baby.. I miss you!!!
Have a great evening!
K Jaggers
K Jaggers
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