
Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Happy Wednesday Friends! I am linking up with Jenn over at Perfectly Imperfect for todays Instalately post! 

Here we go! 

1. Romeo.. sweet Romeo.. he loves cuddling up in Jackson's backpack! 
2. Pregnant Gabby. Kittens are coming! Yea!!
3. Husby sleeping like a baby.. I love pictures like these.. he had no idea I even took it!
4. My Brittany Belle.. Gosh, she is growing up so fast!
5. I waited FOREVER in the Taco Bell Drive through the other night. I thought you got your food free if it was over 5 minutes?? IDK... it took about 15. 
6. The next day I had a great shopping day at my local CVS. If you want to see that haul you can click here!!
7. My grandmothers pearl earrings. I found these deep in my the closet the other day. Hopefully my grandchildren will be able to pass these on to their children. Never know..
8. Husby napping and Willow driving me crazy! 
9. Gabby seems to be growing more each day! I seriously can't wait for the kittens.. can you tell..with all the pictures of Gabby!?
10. And another one of our babies!! This is Gypsy.. and she is a handful! 
11. Out running errands! I hate cold weather! 
12. Last week I think the meal I loved the most was the Manwich. Shocking huh? I thought it tasted really good! 
13. Cooper really is a big baby!!
14. Can you tell the cats own the house and we are just the visitors!? Just look at that picture...they rule the house! 
15. Bedtime with Gypsy!
16. I enjoyed a full day in my pjs over the weekend.. Totally amazing and I loved every minute! 
17. Guess my computer work made Willow tired.. so she got a nap in! 

I hope you are having a great Wednesday! 

K Jaggers
1 comment on "Insta*Lately..."
  1. Oh my goodness I want to snuggle your sweet kitty!! So adorable!
    love your grandma's beautiful pearl earrings!

    Thanks for linking up!


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