FREE Sample of Playtex Gentle Glide

Thursday, February 7, 2013
Hurry on over to the Walmart site to request a FREE sample of Playtex Gentle Glide – while supplies last! Allow 4 weeks for your FREE sample to arrive.
*By mail. While supplies last. Limit (1) sample per household. Samples are only available to consumers in the United States.

K Jaggers
2 comments on "FREE Sample of Playtex Gentle Glide"
  1. Thanks so much for this. Gonna share it with my followers as well if you don't mind!

  2. @ Chantell.. of course you can use anything off my blog however due to some issues I have disabled right clicking! You can always email me anytime you want to share a post of mine and I will send you the full code! Happy weekend!


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