Free NeilMed Sinus Rinse Bottle for NEW Fans (Available Again – Facebook)

Monday, February 4, 2013
Head on over to the NeilMed Sinus Facebook page, “like” them, and click on the Free Sinus Rinse Bottle tab to snag a FREE Sinus Rinse Bottle with Two Packets! Keep in mind that this offer is for the new Facebook fans only.
Fine Print: In order to allow as many Facebook friends as possible to try their products, NeilMed Sinus is limiting their free offer to 1 free item per address across all Facebook promotions. Repeat entries will be discarded. Please allow at least 30 business days for delivery of product.
K Jaggers
1 comment on "Free NeilMed Sinus Rinse Bottle for NEW Fans (Available Again – Facebook)"
  1. I love this thing. So not glamorous, but oh so effective.


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