Coffee Talk 21!!

Thursday, February 7, 2013

Happy Thursday! I hope you are having a good morning! Today I am linking back up for 

Here are today's questions.

1. What's for dinner tonight?

Smothered Chicken...

I think! All it is.. is fried chicken covered in brown gravy.. Husby loves it! 

2. Top 3 tv shows you never miss.

3. What type of body wash are you currently using?

I showed this is in my December Favorites Post/Video and I am still loving it! Its great for winter when your skin starts to dry out! Love it! 

4. Take a photo of what's in front of you. 

5. What's your favorite fruit?


The perfect Summer Strawberry! 

6. Spring is almost here (well, it's already here for us Floridians haha), show me your go-to outfit!

For me spring means.. 


Getting out my maxi skirts and dresses. Nothing is more comfortable and pretty than a long skirt. I don't give a shit that being I am only 5" wearing a long skirt. I know they say don't do it.. but I wear them all the time and love them. They are so versatile . because you can wear them with a t shirt and sandals or you can dress them up...


with pretty heels.. Perfect for any spring or summer day! 

Happy Thursday! 


K Jaggers
3 comments on "Coffee Talk 21!!"
  1. Love me some Downton Abbey <3 Seems that is what everyone is talking about. Haha. I'm only 5'3" and I totally wear maxi skirts and dresses. I see no problem with it!

  2. Do you not have rubby legs?? I have rubby legs, totally cannot wear skirts without leggings. LE SIGH.

  3. @ Amanda.. Maxi skirts are amazing for spring and summer!! And yes.. Downton Abbey is just as amazing! =) Hope you have a great weekend!

    @ Adrienne.. I am not sure what rubby legs are!!!! Ha! But I don't think so! I wear skirts without leggings all the time. Sometimes I am a little pale for shorter skirts but a little self tanner works great to fix that problem!


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