28 Days of Kisses; Lipstick Tag - Day 5 -

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

I am joining up Nykki over at Nykki Talks Beauty.. and today I am wearing L'Oreal Colour Riche Caresse Wet Shine Stain, Pink Perseverance 182. Its a very sheer pink and took me about 3 layers to get the color I wanted. These are pretty comfortable to wear.. not too sticky and have pretty good staying power. These have been compared to the YSL Glossy Stains ..coming in as a very close dupe. These are a little drying but nothing too bad and they do leave a nice light stain on my lips. I have darker color too that I will be showing you in a different post! For $9.99 at my local CVS, I think these are a pretty good deal! 


K Jaggers
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