28 Days of Kisses; Lipstick Tag - Day 02

Saturday, February 2, 2013

So its Day 2 in The Twenty Eight Days Of Kisses!!  I am doing this fun lipstick tag with Nykki over at Nykki Talks Beauty.. and today I am wearing the Nivea Lip Butter in Raspberry Rose Kiss. I am in my laziest state and that means no lipstick.. Nope. I'm in comfy sweats and just not in the mood to be all dolled up! With the cold weather.. my lips have become a little dry and I love this balm. It makes my lips feel really soft and it doesn't feel greasy. LOVE IT! 

Hope you are having a great Saturday! 


K Jaggers
1 comment on "28 Days of Kisses; Lipstick Tag - Day 02"
  1. That's such a pretty tint! I've been hearing great things about the Nivea lip butters, I think I'll have to give it a try :)


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