28 Days of Kisses; Lipstick Tag - Day 01

Friday, February 1, 2013

So as I told you guys the yesterday I am doing this fun lipstick tag with Nykki over at Nykki Talks Beauty.. and today I am wearing the Rimmel Kate Moss Lipstick in # 101.. As you can see in the picture above its a matte pretty pink shade that I am loving. 

I think I have wore this everyday for the past month! Right now, its my go to shade and I totally love it! I wish it had a cute name instead of just a # but the shade is so pretty that it makes up for it! 

Tomorrow I brake my streak with this pretty pink color and will be wearing a different shade just for this tag! 

Have a great Friday! 



K Jaggers

1 comment on "28 Days of Kisses; Lipstick Tag - Day 01"
  1. Gorgeous colour - it really suits you :)


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