Weekend He Said.. She Said Linkup!

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Hello everyone. While I lay sick on the couch I figured I would put out another fun He Said.. She Said Linkup.  These are always so much fun! It's kinda like the Honeymoon Game! ♥

1. Do you like being married? 

His answer - Most days! 

Her ANswer - Yes.. but its not always fun and easy. You have to put work into it if you want a happy marriage. 

2. When did you realize you were in love with your spouse? 

His answer - 7 months before our first date.

Her ANswer - It took a little longer for me. I had to get to know him better. The more Time I spent with him.. the more I trusted him.. and the more I fell in love with him. 

3. Do you like to kiss?

His answer - yes i do.. very much so.

Her ANswer - Of course.. my husband is a good kisser!

4. What did your spouse wear on your first date?

His answer - Grey pants.. pink shirt

Her ANswer - Blue check dress shirt and grey dress pants.

5. What were you thinking when you popped the question?

His answer - I don't really remember but I know I was hoping she said yes. 

Her Answer - I just remember being nervous and just trying to remember the magical moment. 

6. When was the last time you said I love you to your significant other?

His answer - 2 1/2 minutes ago. 

Her Answer- I said I love you  back 2 1/2 minutes ago!  =)

7. What you would say your spouses best quality it?

His answer - cooking

Her Answer - Great work ethic

8. What is their worst quality?

His answer - spoiled

Her ANswer - He's too emotional

9. Do you like how your spouse drives?

His answer - no

Her ANswer - Hell NO

10. What do you like doing the most together?

His answer - traveling

Her Answer - I agree that traveling is up at the top but I could be in a prison with him and be just fine. I just enjoy spending time with him.. no matter where it is. 

11. Can you remember what your worst fight you had?

His answer - yes

Her Answer - Yes.. it was a horrible weekend. But we came out stronger and closer.

12. How long have you been together?

His answer - 9 years

Her Answer 10 years! ( I'm right !! ) 

13. What is the best gift your spouse has gave you?

His answer - cooper

Her ANswer - Cats 

14. Do you talk and text your spouse during the day?

His answer - yes

Her ANswer  - Yes, lots.

15. What's the best thing about being married?

His answer - companionship 

Her ANswer - Having someone you love sharing all special moments of your life with. Scott is always the first person I want to tell something to. Always. 

Hope you are having a wonderful weekend! If you want to go find your spouse and play along.. link up below!


K Jaggers

3 comments on "Weekend He Said.. She Said Linkup! "
  1. I answered the questions, then forwarded them to my hubby. Will link up once I get his answers. Cool idea. If it's ok with you, I might use my answers in the Matrimonial Monday link up (with a link back to your blog).

  2. Both of your answers are so sweet :D I love the driving one! Haha!

  3. @ LuAnn, I can't wait to read your answers.. and of course you can link it up to whatever blogs and linkups you want! For me.. I do a Thankful Thursday post every week.. with a link up.. but I also link that post on all kinds of other blogs! =) Its a great way to network and make new friends!

    @ Kenzie.. Thanks! It was fun doing it. Sometimes I hate his answers but its always a lot of fun! And he scares me to death driving!


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