Thursday, January 10, 2013

So today I am linking up with Jenn from Something Clever 2.0 for Theme Thursday! Today's topic is 

" Cats & Dogs" 

So this particular subject has my name all over it! 

So most of you know by now I breed Persian cats. ( the kitty website is right here ) Yep.. its my " at home job " and its one of the most rewarding things I have ever participated in. 

 I didn't really grow up with cats. I was raised in a family who favored dogs instead of cats. Actually my dumbass family had pitbulls ... I guess its that moncho thing.. You know the mentality....

I am a bad ass because I own a pitbull.

And I am talking about my dad, my grandfather, and even my uncle.. sorry but having those dogs was such a stupid decision when you have little kids around. I won't rant too much but those kinds of dogs have the potential and ability to snap and when they bite.. they are designed to clamp on.. which causes severe damage. Please don't leave me tons of comments or emails telling me its not the dogs.. its how they are raised. WRONG.. Again.. they are by default designed to kill. And you never know when they will snap. This kind of dog is much worse than other kinds simply because of the power it has in the mouth alone. 

Well I'm sorry... I turned out the opposite. Instead of having dogs that could rip my kids faces off.. I went for something a little sweeter! I did get my first cat in high school.. 

I actually sneaked her into my room in the basement and actually had the cat for about 4 months before my family found out! Once they realized we had another member of the family.. they did welcome her with open arms and even paid extra to have her in my senior pictures! 

So from that point on.. I grew more and more with the feline species! 

Since then.. which was 19 years ago.. WOW.. THAT NUMBER IS SCARY! 

Anyway.. since then I have loved kitty cats so much that now I breed them! 

I mean how can you not love this face!? 

 Romeo is adorable and he's the first cat that everyone wants to pick up and cuddle.. 

He even made his debut on the Christmas cards last year! 

Gabby is the first Persian my husband got me. 

She is a doll face Persian.. not a flat face like Romeo.. 

And I seriously think ...


Gabby is a KITTY GENUIS! Its crazy how smart this cat is. As you can see in the picture above.. she sleeps with me just like a person! 

Then we have Willow.. 

who is my husbands favorite. She is the first female kitten that Gabby gave birth to. 

She is really a big love. 

And we also have Gypsy who is our youngest baby.. 

who is the wild child out of the bunch! 

I don't have a huge cattery.. 1 male...3 females.. but its perfect for us!  We would like to expand later but 4 indoor long haired cats are not easy to have in the open house. And right now the house is so full that I can't just dedicate one room to the kittys. So they all run wild.. sleeping at night can be a challenge when they are wanting to play! 

We also have a dog.. 

Super Cooper who has a very sweet personality. He gets along really well for the most part with the kittys but there are days when he has growled but he has never hurt one of them. I am actually suprised he has started meowing yet! Golden Retrievers are the only kind of dog I have ever owned. I don't want a mean dog. Nope.. I have young kids in the house and I want a dog I can trust around them.. And believe me.. Cooper loves those kids so much. 

I have never really been a dog person. I use to think I was just because of all the dogs I grew up with but about 5 years ago I realized that I am not really a dog person and thats OK!! I just had to accept it. Now.. I doubt for a very long time that it will turn to just a kitty house around here because my husband loves dogs.. but the next one is going to be a bit smaller than 100 lb Cooper! 

I always get so many questions about owning a running a cattery. Well I plan to do a full blog post about this later... but its not as easy as it sounds. Its extremely expensive.. and I do it because I love the breed not because I love the money. Sure I want to make a profit.. but its really bitter sweet. I fall in love with each kitten.. and saying goodbye is hard. But its also rewarding because every family I sell a kitten to.. has a piece of my heart. It makes me smile inside knowing that I am giving happiness and unconditional love to another family. 

Its truly a blessing.

Happy Thursday! 

K Jaggers

6 comments on "Theme Thursday! Kitty Cats RULE THE ROOST IN THE JAGGERS HOUSE! "
  1. Willow reminds me of my old cat Kenya. I got her for myself for my 25th birthday. She was such a cotton ball!!! Sadly she was jealous of my first born and peed and crapped on everything and had to go. I'm still sad about it :-(

  2. @moodymommi OMG.. totally love that name! And its hard when you have to make those tough decisions. Maybe one day when the kids are a bit older.. you can get another one!

  3. It really is interesting to hear a little bit about your cattery.

  4. @ My half Assed Life.. Your name is freaking hilarious!! Thank you.. and I do plan on doing a big post about it because I get so many questions! The kittys are our loves!

  5. Hello there!

    Aw your kitties are soo cute! I was a litle late in becoming a cat person too (I have a rescue cat named Gracie) but wouldn't be without one now!

    Looking forward to hearing all about your cattery in your future post!

    Thanks for checking out my blog too, I'm now following through GFC :)

    Shel @ Sweet Petite.

  6. @ Shel Young, Thank you so much! They are our fur babies without a doubt! Can't wait to get to know you better! Happy New Year!! And that post should be up next week sometime!


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