Oh How Pinteresting..

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Today I am linking up with The Vintage Apple for Oh, how Pintresting Wednesday! If you don't know anything about Pinterest its an amazing site where you can find so much inspiration. If you don't already....
Feel free to.. 
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“I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.” ― Vincent van Gogh
Frozen Peanut Butter Banana Bites - Low Calorie (160 per 7 bites)! #healthy
Smoothie Recipes for Everything.

How long does food last? Here's what to keep... and what to toss.

Strawberry chocolate pie. Just use a pre made Oreo crust, strawberries, and chocolate pudding

Infinity Ring with his and hers birthstones, and anniversary date...thats cute
Loaded Baked Potato Salad
(Take two invisible elastic bands and separate the hair into two ponytails, one above the other, in the back of your head. Once the ponytails are secured, take sections of each ponytail and, starting at the ends, roll them toward the head, pinning them in place with bobby pins. Roll the top ponytail first, then the bottom, leaving pieces closest to the middle for last.) HOW stinking cute:)

minnie mouse cupcakes
NATURAL: Gold Glitter HOW TO. #sephoracollection#sephora#mua#eyeshadow
101 Almost Free Things to Do With Your Kids This Summer

You can find all the details for these on my pinetrest page! 
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Ohhh.. if you need an invite.. just leave a me a comment with your email address and I will be happy to send you one! =)

Happy Wednesday! 

K Jaggers
2 comments on "Oh How Pinteresting.."
  1. GREAT PINS!!!

    i'd love to have that loaded baked potato salad and strawberry chocolate pie right this second.

    and that food lasting cheat sheet is PERFECT!

  2. @ Samantha.. Thanks so much.. I am going to have to make both really soon. I think the pie looked amazing.. and I just have to try to find good tasting strawberries this time of year.. which isn't easy! Hope you have a great Friday!


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