Lets Talk Vlog Series #1 { Video }

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Hello!!! I know I have been doing a ton videos... and prepare yourselves.. I have a lot more coming up in the future! 

Today I am linking up with Hayley's World and Stroller Adventures for this fun vlog series! This is the first post of the series..join up if you like.. and let us here your answers! 

Hope you enjoy! 

What would your answers be!? 

Hayley's World

They also said if you don't want to do a video.. you could always do a blog post answering the questions.. and link that up!

Happy New Year!

K Jaggers
5 comments on "Lets Talk Vlog Series #1 { Video }"
  1. Thats a really nice post. You look so pretty. Love your hair

  2. Thank you for joining us. I love your hair and your standout memory for 2012, seems relaxing. What part of Florida are you moving to? I have family in Miami.

  3. Hey girl! Thanks for linking up with us this week!!!

    I grew up in Florida. Dunedin actually, which is the city just north of Clearwater. :)

    Hubby and I were stationed in NC from 97-08 (I lived there 02-08) and we are going back there in May.

    And I love FlyLady! I need to get back on her also. Maybe after we move. :)


  4. @ Maribelle ..We are going to the Clearwater area for a while.. St Pete, Largo, Dunedin.. My husband has his father in that area so we want to stay close to him. Hope you have a great New Year!
    @ Hayley.. The vlogs are a lot of fun! Dunedin is one of our area picks too! I use to work for a Dr. there while I lived in Largo. Can't wait to move back! Happy New Year!


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