High 5 Friday!!

Friday, January 11, 2013
Happy Friday Friends!!! Time for another HIGH FIVE FRIDAY with Lauren over at From My Grey Desk!  Hope you enjoy! 

1. Date Night. Last Saturday husby and I finally had date night. It had been a while and it was so fun! And I got a ton of responses on the easy date night makeup! 

2. Mickey D's Breakfast.. I know this sounds silly as a high 5 but they feed me so much when I just don't feel like cooking.. and that breakfast was pretty damn good! 

3. Snuggle time with Jackson... he is so sweet and I laugh so much with him! 

4. Being its crockpot week on the blog.. my husband went out and got me a really big crockpot .. thank you baby! 

5. My Avon Haul! I finally got it up and there is a Avon giveaway going on too.. Check out this post for all the details!

Happy Friday!! Have a great weekend!

K Jaggers
4 comments on "High 5 Friday!! "
  1. Thanks for following my blog! I'm here to stop by, say hello, and follow back! Your blog is lovely and I look forward to reading more :)


  2. @ Kelly..Nice to meet you too! =) Can't wait to get to know you better in the future! Happy New Year!!

    @ Irfan.. Your welcome!! Have a great day!

  3. Yea for sate night!! Sounds like you had a great week, all my favorites...crock pots, snuggles and dates!! Have a great weekend!

    Please check out my Valetine Giveaway...its my first giveaway and is promised to be good!!

  4. @ Tamie.. it was a pretty good week! I did get entered into your giveaway!!! Fingers Crossed!


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