Fill in the ______ Friday Linkup!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Happy Friday Friends! I hope you are having a great Morning! 

Here are todays questions.. Answer for yourself and link up! 

1. When I hear there is a winter storm on the way, I stock up Kerosene for the heater, sugar, bread, milk, and flour.. along with some candles  because you never really know what will happen and its best to be prepared! 

2. In the winter my car stays in the garage because I totally suck driving on icy roads. If I drive, I will end up in ditches all over town! 

3. My favorite winter clothing items are a winter coat for one.. Fuzzy warm socks.. and lots of comfy sweats! 

4. The snow makes me think of winters with my brother. We would play so hard in the snow that I can't really remember being cold.  God.. I miss being young and free. 

5. The one winter item I can't live without is 


I can't just pick one.. It would have to be gloves and coffee both! 

Ok.. Now answer this for yourself and linkup below! Hope you are having a safe and warm Friday! 


K Jaggers

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