Fill in the _____ Friday Linkup!

Friday, January 11, 2013

Hello friends! So I am starting up the Fill in the Blank Friday's now... so answer these questions for yourselves and link up below! 

1. My new year started off pretty peaceful. We had my ex husband and Brittany here over New Years.  So far this year has started off pretty good. Its been light and easy with no big drama .. Thank God! 

2. In 2013 I really want to accomplish our big move to the sunshine state. Right now our target move month is MAY!!! So I am working hard to get things organized so packing and the move will be easier! But that is the biggest goal for not just me but for my entire household this for 2013. 

3. On cold January days, I stay warm by not going out! Ha!! That's not exactly true because I have to get up in the am and take Jackson to school but on cold days I warm up the car first. I also use both the heat and the fireplace when its cold and I wear warm cozy socks too! =) 

4. My favorite comfort food is any kind of pasta because..its always delicious! 

5. January reminds me of my grandmother Watteau's Birthday and cold weather. 

6. My favorite winter sport is NONE  because..I don't like cold weather!! But if I had to pick one it would be playing in the snow with the kids.. but that's not really a sport is it!?

7. My favorite January TV shows are American Idol, Greys Anatomy, Dr. Pol, and the Peoples Court! 

So now its your turn!! 

Link up!

K Jaggers

Next weeks Questions 

1. I blog because_________.

2. My blog is about ______________.

3. My favorite thing to blog about is______because 

4. My blogging inspiration was/is _________.

5. When I write my blog post I am normally at _____________.

6. My best blogging experience has been ______________.

7. I love blogging but __________________.

3 comments on "Fill in the _____ Friday Linkup! "
  1. Thank you so much for joining our Aloha Friday Blog hop my dear and thanks for the follow. I was already following you via GFC from the weeks before but added you to my google+ circles too now, I just had another photo :-)

    xoxo Pakize (Keke)

  2. @ Pakize.. thanks so much! I love the blog hops!! =)

  3. Ok I tried to add my link but for some reason it hasn't showed up. Not sure if it is something that you need to approve or not.


Thank you so much for your comment. I love hearing from you! It takes me a minute to moderate the comments so it should show up shortly.