30 Days of Blogging - 3 Legitimate Fears -

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Helloooooo!! Welcome to Day 2 of 30 Days of Blogging Prompts. 

Here's today's question..

 Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and describe how they became fears.

1. Fear of Heights


I don't really know where this comes.. but as the sweet picture/quote at the bottom says.. Maybe I am afraid of falling instead. I have always got nervous when up high.. I can be on a rooftop.. or go up really high.. but I have to feel safe. It has to be a controlled situation and not like a roller coaster.. which is high and fast! 

2. Fear of other Drivers. 


I think this fear comes from being in so many accdients. And Yes.. some were in fact my fault.. Some not.. but now that I have kids.. I am honestly scared of another driver hitting us. I worry when I look over and see.. 

Yea.. and I have actually seen a woman holding a cup of coffee and cell phone while smoking and driving.. SHIT! Pay attention!!!  Yes.. Yes.. Yes.. this totally scares me. Also my husbands driving scares me to death too!

3. Fear of the Dentist.. 

I have seriously had a problem with dentist every since I was little. I think the metal tools going in my mouth that scares me the most. But more times than not the dentist has caused me serious pain.. and if I actually go to the dentist then I am dying. I just don't go. I whiten my teeth at home.. and pray like hell that brushing and flossing will be enough to get me through the next 20 years! 

Have a great day! 

K Jaggers
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