FREE Nivea Lip Butter -1st 2,000 (Facebook)

Monday, November 12, 2012

At 1PM EST (10AM PST) today, head on over to the Nivea USA Facebook page, “like” them and click on the Nivea Lip Butter tab to score a FREE Nivea Lip Butter. Be quick, as this is only available to the 1st 2,000 people who request it.
If you’re not fast enough today, Nivea will be giving away 2,000 FREE Lip Butters every day this week, through Friday 11/16! And yes, I’ll be sure to remind you! :D
*While supplies last. Offer is available to the first 2,000 people that sign up every day. Limit 1 unit per household per giveaway.

K Jaggers

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