Weekend CVS Haul!!

Sunday, October 14, 2012

I was out shopping yesterday which included a quick run to CVS! As you can see I didn't get a ton of stuff and one of these items was also a gift from my husband.. Can you guess which!? I'll tell you in a minute! 

I needed some shampoo.. so I got this 

Burts Bee Super Shiny Mango Shampoo and Conditioner. I am a Burts Bee girl.. I really love the products and lucky for me.. 

my husband knows that and when we was out the other day picked me up this sugar scrub.. Totally sweet and I can't wait to use it! Thank you baby!! I love you! 

While I was also at CVS I picked up.. 

This Olay Wet Cleansing Cloths that I plan on reviewing. I have already tired these last night and my review might surprise you! 

I also got more of Lipsticks from the Revlon Shanghai Gucci Westman Collection.. I am loving one of the lipsticks that I have just got from this collection so I thought I would try the other shades too! 

These are colors I normally wouldn't wear but what the hell.. 

I got 2 reds! 

This one is in 

in # 028 Cherry Blossom 

Its a really pretty deep red.. 

I also got this one 

in #029 Red Lacquer which is a more orangy red.. 

See the difference between the 2 ?/

I took these pictures at night.. I will have some better pictures and swatches of these 2 lipsticks up soon! 

So far I am loving that collection! 

Have you tried any of the prodcuts from the Gucci Westman Line ( Either Escapism or Shanghai ) ?? What do you think of them?

K Jaggers
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