Today I am linking up..with Breanna, Shane, Kristen, Danielle, & Amanda for Me, Myself, and I !
What is your favorite season?
Fall... I love fall for so many reasons.. the beautiful colors alone make it make it my favorite. But what I really love is warm days and cool nights where you can sleep with the windows open! But only do that if you have a second floor..otherwise it might not be too safe. I love the warm comfort foods, a calming fire going in the fireplace, and snuggling up on the cool nights!
Talk about a moment that changed your life.
I was in a very serious car wreck in 2000. I hit 6 cars, a tree and a telephone pole in downtown Clearwater. It was a horrible time in my life. I did serious damage to my teeth.. broke both my shoulders.. fractured my pelvic, and shattered my ankle with a compound fracture. It was a moment in time that changed so much. But I am still here..and because I am still here, I have the most beautiful family ever. At one point.. I wondered if I would ever walk again. The break in my ankle was so bad and it took forever for it heal up where I would put any pressure it. I am so thankful for the family and friends who cared for me and I am also thankful that I was able to stay here longer to marry the love of my life and have the most beautiful kids ever!
If you could be any crayola crayon color, what
would you be and why?
This was a rather hard question for me.. I seriously had to sit around for a few minutes trying to really think about my answer..
I think for me I would be a mix of all the crayons.. is there a " rainbow " crayon? Hummm.. well, I would be a rainbow.. I am made up of lots of colors.. I really like teal.. and pink.. brown too.. and I love black.. I love them all!
Describe yourself as a superhero: Superpower?
Name? Sidekick?
I have said it before and I will say it again.. I would totally want to be invisible.. I think it would be awesome to be able to go any where without being seen. I would love it!
If you had all the money in the world and could
only shop at 3 stores, where would you shop?
Hope you are having a great Tuesday!
K Jaggers
Invisibility is a good power to have. Imagine all the things you could see. If you could move stuff around too, that's be fun. You could play tricks on your family and friends.