It's Ok Thursday!

Thursday, October 25, 2012
Its Ok Thursdays

Its Ok.. 
 that we are having warm weather again.. however its going to be short lived.

Its Ok..
 that Gabby got out last night because she came running when I called her name. I don't know what I would do without that kitty cat.

Its Ok..
that its a late night for husby and I doubt we will talk much today. I guess I got to keep reminding myself we have a lifetime to be together.. but I miss him. even on days I am pissed off at him.

Its Ok.. 

that my house doesn't look so good. I will get it in shape by the weekend.

Its Ok..
that my handy dandy smart phone made me look really dumb this week. Yea.. not a good moment when I sent that mass text message when it was suppose to go just to my husband.

Its Ok.. 
that I am back logged on my emails. If you are expecting a reply.. you will have it by the weekend.. I promise!

Its Ok.. 
that I think I am going to upgrade my phone again..Just love all the new technology!

Its Ok..
that I have no patience for the dogs that keep coming in our yard. I am kinda scared of dogs and I might resort to getting a bb gun and shooting them in the butt till they get out of my yard. However, these are not the yappy neighbors dogs I am always complaining about!

Its Ok..
that our house is totally ran by our 4 cats. I am serious.. they totally run things around here!

Its Ok..
that my purse needs to be cleaned out yet again. I bet I have 15 different lipsticks in there.. that I can never find!

Its Ok..
that the good old silent treatment I wanted to give my husband today isn't happening. He basically forced me to talk to him this morning.. and I did! I am pretty sure he knows I can't stay mad at him! 

Have a great Thursday! 

K Jaggers

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  1. Found you on the mommy brain mixer this week! Following and commenting from
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