10 Day YOU Challange

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Its Tuesday so its time for the 10 day challange. I can't believe we only have 2 left after this one! Today is 

3 Films

This one is a hard one because I LOVE MOVIES!! So my top 3 would have to be.. 

This was made in 1998..I was 22 years old when I first saw this.. and now 14 years later.. I love it. Its such a cute sweet movie and not even outdated.. Except with the dial up of course. LOVE IT!

My second choice would have to be..

Again not a new movie but a movie I love. I could watch it every lazy Sunday I have.. I'm a spy kind of girl.. and Robert Redford and Brad Pitt are amazing in this movie! 

and my 3rd pick is.. 

Pride & Prejudice Movie Poster

This was a toss up because I also LOVE 

However.. Pride and Prejudice would be my favorite out of the time pieces. I swear I am living in the wrong time!

Happy Tuesday! 

K Jaggers
2 comments on "10 Day YOU Challange"
  1. oh man how did i forget about "you've gor mail" it is the best!! so cute and funny :)

  2. You Got Mail is great. I need to see Spy Game, I did not like Marie Antoinette (but then again, not a huge fan of sofia coppela's work) However I do love Pride and Prejudice! Which version is your favorite? I actually really liked the one with Keira Knightly in it!


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