Oh, how Pinteresting!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Today I am linking up with The Vintage Apple for Oh, how Pintresting Wednesday! If you don't know anything about Pinterest its an amazing site where you can find so much inspiration. If you don't already....
Feel free to.. 
Follow Me on Pinterest
Here is some of my most recent Pinterest Activity. 

Fall 2012 Bucket List
I love this sweet fall bucket list! Plan on doing most of it! 
Marshmallow fluff buttercream.
This is marshmallow fluff butter cream frosting!


I also saw this simple craft that I might have to do for Jacksons Halloween party! 
Halloween Crafts for Kids
Spider Suckers! 
Got to try this recipe.. 
Broccoli Cheeses Soup
because I LOVE Brocolli Cheese Soup!
40 smoothie recipes
I am a BIG smoothie lover and can't wait to try some of these out! 
Sparkling Moscato Peach Sangria.
This Sparkling Moscato Peach Sangria looks amazing and I am totally making this SOON! 
Love it......Bottle of BOOS  :)
I think this bottle is adorable.. so sweet! 
Use press 'n' seal saran wrap to make a ghostly friend in the window.
I thought this  press 'n' seal saran wrap to make a ghostly friend in the window was a great idea too! 

You can find all the details for these on my pinetrest page! 
Follow Me on Pinterest
Ohhh.. if you need an invite.. just leave a me a comment with your email address and I will be happy to send you one! =)
Have a great night! 
K Jaggers
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