High Five Friday!

Friday, September 21, 2012

l'm linking up with Lauren for her weekly High Five for Friday post. I love doing blog link ups because you meet so many new people! 

1. I had such a beautiful drive this week. I loaded up the dog, put the windows down.. opened the sun roof and it was amazing... I can't remember a day feeling so good!

2. I got the giveaway posted! You still have a chance to win these 5 lip glosses!! You can click here to get entered but the form is also at the top of the blog on the right! This closes Sept 30 and a winner will be announced on October 1st!

3. I was so happy to get my mug from the swap! Isn't it adorable.. I am actually drinking out of it right now! You can clicky click right here for more pictures! 

4. The other night I made the most delicious breaded pork chops. They were really good.. and I even finished the last one off late last night when I thinly sliced it up and made a sandwich with the leftovers. Yummmmm.. So easy to make too! 

5. Scott and I had a great time on his day off. Its so nice laying around and cuddling with him all day long. No one else makes me smile as much as he does! I love you sweetheart!

K Jaggers
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