Fill in the __ Friday!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Happy Friday! Once again I am linking up with Loren @ The Little Things We Do for another round of Fill in the blanks!  If you blog.. join up! 

1.  Something I am very proud of is

 how good of a husband Scott is. He really is the glue that holds everything together. He tells me all the time that he actually wants to be married.. Wants a family.. and he does everything he can to show us all how much we mean to him. I am proud of husband and father he is. 

2.  My favorite thing about myself is
 That I am a planner. It helps out with every aspect of my life. Really, with everyone's lives here in our home. It really does help everything run more smoothly. 

3.  My favorite color for fall is
 Its the only time of the year that I like orange. But I also love golds and browns. Picking one color is hard!! I love them all. 

4. Something I've been learning lately is

Waking up to an alarm clock. OMG.. its awful. Summer.. I can sleep in most days but now that school is back in session for Jackson.. I have to be up. It totally sucks.. I seriously wan tto just throw my phone across the room. Many days I go back to bed after the boys leave. But for you guys who are also cursed with the alarm clock.. my ♥ goes out to you. 

5. A book I am reading now/have read recently is

I have it on my kindle.. and I read a little bit each day.. Really good book

6. My favorite Pandora Station is
 I don't listen to Pandora that much anymore.. ( instead I turn the tv to my favorite music channels or pop in a cd ) but when I did listen to Pandora I liked Today's Hits and 80's Pop. 

7.  This weekend I will

be dressing up the house for fall. I also want to go hiking for pine cones and and leaves. I also want to go for a bike ride with Jackson. I need to cut some herbs to start drying too. 

Happy Friday!

K Jaggers
1 comment on "Fill in the __ Friday! "
  1. i am such a planner too! i LOVE to have things organized on a calendar! have a great weekend decorating!!! : )


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