Its Tuesday again.. so its time to link up with Tiffany from Austin Family Diary and Lauren from Live.Love.Lauren.. So here we go!
This is the book edition!!
4 Books I love
I don't really read series so I am just going with 4 books I love!!
I think I have read every Julia Child book on the market and this by far has to be one of my favorites!!
She was such a kind person and really got the most out of her life with cooking and her marriage. She is a true inspiration.. this book is really charming and such a good read!
Here's an oldie but goodie..
I love reading this book every winter! To me this is a comforting kind of book that I actually do read over and over. Love it!
I made a big investment of this Martha Stewart Homemaking Handbook when Scott and I got married.I think it was over $50 at the time. I can't even begin to tell you how many times I have reached for this book over the years.
This book is filled with so many amazing tips from gardening, housekeeping, laundry care, you name it.. its in this book. I think this would make a great gift to a newly married couple..Its a huge staple in our home!!
And I can't get away without talking about my love for Amish Cookbooks.
I have a pretty good collection of these books and the food is delicious. Again.. nothing too fancy, just comforting.. and seasonal. I studied the Amish in College and actually stayed in one of their homes over night for a report. My grandmother had the connection some how and they treated me so kind. It was a big change but it was a great experience! Since then, I have loved searched high and low for Amish Cookbooks. The one above is a great book with not only recipes but there is also little stories from the family members who live with the home too!! Its such a great cookbook with a ton of great recipes!
Happy Tuesday!
K Jaggers
I love Martha! She is amazing!