Thankful Thursday

Thursday, August 9, 2012

I am joining up with the Red Oak Lane Blog for Thankful Thursdays! I think these series are great because it really forces you find things in your life to be grateful for. Exactly the same as a gratitude journal! 

This week I am Thankful For.. 

For Brittany Belle having a great first week at Middle School! I can't believe she is growing up so fast. She is such a good girl and we love her very much! 

I am also thankful for our Jackson who really knows how to talk your head off. 

I do complain that my ears are tired but its such a blessing to having a relationship where he feels he can talk to me about anything.. And boy does he! 

I am also thankful for having a beautiful husband who I am in total love with. 

The beautiful thing about this man is he never quits trying to make MY dreams come true. 

and last but not least I am thankful today for 


for my bed even though we don't always get to spend enough time together. It has given me the strength to go on day to day and keep up in our busy home! 

What are you thankful today? 

Link up!

K Jaggers