It's OK Thursday!!

Thursday, August 2, 2012
Its Ok Thursdays

Its ok that I haven't gotten Brittany packed up yet. So much to do!! YIKES!!

Its ok that yesterday was pretty much a total waste of a day. 

Its ok that I am totally hating on some stalker girl who just can't stop being obsessed with how I live my life. Seriously.. get over it crazy girl! 

Its ok that pancakes seem to be dinner wayyyyy to many nights each week! 

Its ok that the garden has basically died off. We got a ton of fruits and veggies from it but the heat has took its tole on everything outside. 

Its ok that the kids have made a mess out of the house. I can't deal with it very well but sure trying to just go with it. 

Its ok that I love celebitchy. I loooove online gossip sites because it saves me money instead of buying magazines to get my celeb gossip! 

Its ok that I haven't had that much time to spend with friends. I miss you guys.. Courtney.. we need a girls night out soon!!!!

Its ok that Romeo is still not making kittens yet.. even though I want him to get busy! 

Its ok that nothing good has been on tv for months. Come on new season!! 

Its ok that husby and I have not had a date night in months.. That is about to change asap! 

Its ok that I haven't talked to my dad in months. Its kinda a shame but it is what it is. 

Its ok that I am a total bitch by nature! Can't help it.. just can't deal with stupid people that well! =)

Have a great Thursday! 

K Jaggers