10 Day YOU Challenge - 8 Fears -

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Its Tuesday so I'm linking up with Tiffany and Lauren again for their 10 Day You Challenge!
This week it's 8 fears, so here we go! 

Loosing people close to me

I have a deep fear of something happening to the people I love so dearly. We lost a lot of people in our familes all at once and it really reminded me that you never know what each day will bring and to cherish life because it can go in a second.

Raising my kids to be good people

I think this fear is bigger than any other. I have children who are growing up so fast. I worry about keeping them in school, off drugs, productive members of society. No book gives all the answers and there is always some new lesson to teach them. I don't want to fail at being a good mother.. and it is by far the hardest job I have ever had.


My heights fear is weird.. I can kind deal with high places unless I am close to the edge to going really fast. Rollercoasters will never happen. Those high water rides are barely tolerable.. but I can fly.. so go figure!

The Dentist

I can't even tell you how bad the dentist scares me.. All those metal tools to go in my mouth.. NO THANK YOU. I should go more but I just can't bring myself unless I have a toothache. I wore clear braces in high school and the pain from those alone was enough to sour me forever on going to the dentist. I am seriously dying if I am sitting in a dentist chair.


My mom always says you can do what ever outside her house but come in and she will shoot you dead. I don't know if I would have that courage or not. I seriously fear someone breaking into our house. I don't think watching Nancy Grace every night helps either. But around here.. I keep things locked down and never leave any of the doors unlocked when I am home alone. We have a big loud dog that would hopefully warn me and give me time to run out the door plus we have an alarm system that we are always setting off!! I think it would traumatize me forever if something like that happened. I would never be the same person.

Husby's driving

Ha! This one is true. On a daily basis my husband scares the hell out of me. We were taking Jackson to school yesterday and there were cars all lined up and he came so close to a mirror of a parked car that I screamed out. I am always bracing myself when he is behind the wheel!


My grandmother made me this huge clown when I was little. Some scary movie came on around that time with a mean murdering clown and thats all it took for me not to trust men with white paint all over their faces. That damn clown haunted me forever. It was made for me so I didn't feel right about throwing it away.. but that thing scared me every night when I would turn out the lights. I think it was college when that damn clown got tossed away.

Loosing my memory

I have memory issues. I don't remember a lot from my eairler years. I can't remember any of my elemtary school teachers.. many old friends names have slipped my mind. I sometimes put weird stuff where it doesn't belong such as my car keys in the freezer. Its crazy. The kids even know it and at times really confuse me because I won't remember something they said I said.. I think they figured out a loop hole of sorts!

Have a great Tuesday! 

K Jaggers
3 comments on "10 Day YOU Challenge - 8 Fears - "
  1. Ha. I've seen a couple people on the link up today post clowns! haha. I've never been one to be afraid of them but I've learned that the people who are...REALLY ARE! lol.

  2. Haha love that you are scared of your husband's driving! Some people's driving makes me crazy! Thanks again for linking up girl!

  3. Thanks for linking up again this week! Sad you're scared of the dentist..Just find one with a nice hygienist :)


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