A ~ Z Questions Answered.

Saturday, March 12, 2011
This has been going around the bloggersphere and I thought it looked fun!

Here we GO!!!


A. Age:
35 as of March 23

B. Bed size:
Queen ( but wanting a king! )

C. Chore you dislike:
 I've said it once and I'll say it again, probably until I am dead: l-a-u-n-d-r-y.

D. Dogs:
 We have one..Super Cooper..Golden Retriever..One of the best dogs God made. He is truly a gentle giant. But..We also have a couple kittys that we adore too!

E. Essential start to your day:
Coffee, Coffee, Coffee...and a prayer for the white light surround me. I really do try to bring in positive energy into my day. I say it before I ever climb out of bed..With my hard day yesterday,  I think I should have prayed more..

F. Favorite color:
Oddly enough I am really liking GREEN!!! Who would have guessed.. Just think its a cheerful color!

G. Gold or silver:
That's a hard one...Really both! Depends on what I am wearing!

H. Height:
 5' 0

I. Instruments you play(ed):
Violin..for about 8 yrs.

J. Job title:
Wife, Mommy, Homemaker, Cat Breeder

K. Kids:
2 beautiful bouncy children..Brittany Belle 9 yrs old and Action Jackson 8 yrs old

L. Live:
 Out of city limits

M. Mom’s name:
 Lenetta, Mom

N. Nicknames:
Kee, Kish

O. Overnight hospital stays:
Too many to put on here..Many nights for Migraines, Auto accident in 2000 in Clearwater FL that landed me in the hospital for 3 weeks, Birth of my kids, etc..

P. Pet Peeves:
I am not fond of a lot of noise. I like loud music some but loud cars, loud kids, loud people just get on my nerves..I also hate it when people leave the shower curtains open after getting out of the shower.I think it should be → pulled across the entire way ←. And every night I pick up the house before bed and in the mornings its always messed up a bit..I spend 30 minutes a day making beds, and picking up stuff from mornings...would really like to wake up one morning and have the house in the same condition it was when I went to bed..

Q. Quote from a movie:
 "Let them eat cake."

S. Siblings:
1 had a older brother...he passed away when I was 19 yrs old...I also have a beautiful 25 yr old sister.

T. Time you wake up:
It depends. Most days between 11pm - 12 pm

U. Underwear:
Yes, I wear it...most days!

V. Vegetables you don’t like:
 Beets...I just cant do them..But I love Vegetables..I really do.

W. What makes you run late
 Not organized..In order for me to keep on time with everything is being organized the night before..

X. X-rays you’ve had:
Again many..wrist, shoulders, ankles, teeth...MRI for Migraines..

Y. Yummy food you make:
I would hope everything I make is Yummy! But I think my cedar plank salmon is delish!!

Z. Zoo animal favorites:
Polar bears and the Big Cats..Both are amazing..I for sure would own a big cat if I knew for sure it wouldn't eat me! I love them!!! Panthers and Cheetas are my favorite..

Have a great Weekend!!

K Jaggers
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