Sunday, January 2, 2011

 I know its rather early for me but I am pretty tired and going to be going to bed soon.. I dont understand why I am yawing and fighting to hold my eyes open being I didnt get up till 1 this afternoon. But I am..

I wanted to talk to you guys about one of my resolutions... Quitting smoking..I did start back again a while ago because my husband was not ready to quit at that point and smoked around me. I decided to not say anything because really its something nasty that I am ashamed of. I dont hate smokers but its something I would rather not do anymore. So as of today Scott and myself are back on Chantix and we are working towards being done with this habit. On the first week you can still smoke and then on the second week, your done..You got to keep taking the pills and but they will make you stop..They worked before for me and they will work this time. But wish me luck anyway!! Maybe thats why I am tired..From the pills..Dont know!!

Today was pretty nice..I got my bathroom all cleaned up really really well.. I re organized my make up in a better way and will take some pictures to show you guys tomorrow. Scott helped cleaned a little today which was really appreciated! Tomorrow I have some errands and some cleaning around here to do too..It should be a busy day! I also have a lot of post to get up on here too.

We had a nice dinner..Michael and Courtney seemed to enjoy it and we all got along pretty well. It was a pretty nice night.

So on that note..

 I am going to get to bed early tonight and wake up feeling refreshed!!

Sweet Dreams Friends

K Jaggers
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