Tuesday, December 14, 2010
SCARS OF BROKEN HEART Pictures, Images and Photos

"I don't want to die without any scars."

— Chuck Palahniuk

Instead of looking at your scars and thinking how bad life is for you and how much you wanna get away from it..

Look at them, accept it and look at the scars as something to remember you of all the bad things in life you went through, but you managed to stay strong..Life is all about challenge..its always changing and growing. It has the ability to take everything out of you..But instead of laying down, you have to force yourself up and move on. Learn from what happened, accept it and move on.

Thats exactly what I am trying to do. Yes, things have been pretty dramatic around here. Stress levels through the roof..and not to mention the constant tension. But slowly things are starting to get a little better. I have to just accept that things are going to be hard sometimes and I have to find a way to keep my balance.

Deep Breath..

K Jaggers
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