Thursday, November 25, 2010
happy thanksgiving animated Pictures, Images and Photos

Hi friends...


Its a around 1215 here and Scott is still in bed and Michael is working out in his room..I am surprised Scott is sleeping in so much today. He said he isnt feeling too good but I think a lot of his problem is that he is tired.

Its a pretty calm Thanksgiving around here to say the least. None of us could really travel this holiday because the guys have to be back to work tomorrow. I wish we were back home but we really cant afford it and since we are flying to Texas in less than a month I am ok with staying here today!

Well I just wanted to say ...

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!

( oh...I wanted to also tell you that Gabby was purring on my pillow this morning! First time I have heard her purr since she got sick!)

K Jaggers
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